The rough guide to Indonesian fantastic pop culture
The use of local folklore in recent Indonesian fantastic cinema is part of a wider cultural movement, which we will explore in this talk show.
It features a young generation of filmmakers engaged with the exploitation films from the eighties and nineties, the influence of Indonesian comics on the film culture, a recent wave of artists working on the intersection of visual arts, street art and comics, and a deep dive into the forgotten music from the entire archipelago, which is deeply rooted in local folklore.
Guests in this talk show are curator and journalist Hikmat Darmawan, researcher and journalist Ekky Imanjaya, visual artist Enka Komariah, gallery owner Sander Salim and DJ and music archaeologist Michiel Sekan.
In this excerpt of the longer 'TALKSHOW INDONESIA' for Imagine Film Festival. Sekan takes you on a journey through 'the rough guide to Indonesian fantastic pop culture'. Together with host Arnoud Arps who is researcher Mediastudies at the University of Amsterdam they talk about the relation between folklore music and fantastical pop culture, which refers to the more mythical side of the music and culture. They do so through the Jiwa Jiwa’s ‘modus operandi’. Discussing specific record covers and songs. And also a coincidental crossing paths of Enka Komariah’s work and the story Sekan about Gendjer-gendjer and G30s. At the end there is also a big announcement so if you wanna hear it first make sure to watch the whole thing. Thanks to Imagine Film Festival for offering the platform to talk about these stories so in-depth.