Selamat Jalan Om Harry Sabar Tobing

We just heard of the transitioning of our beloved Om and Jiwa, Harry Sabar Tobing. 

One of Indonesia’s greatest musicians passed away this morning on friday December 29th at 09:00 (WIB) at St. Carolus Hospital in Jakarta. 

News we didn’t expect to receive so soon. Since just 2 months ago we got to meet with him again at the 1 decade of Irama Nusantara which was a beautiful celebration of Indonesian music. Something that will be etched in my memory forever is playing Licik for you last October at that same event in Museum Kebangkitan Nasional in Jakarta just around the corner from your house.

Thank you for believing in us. And letting us help you bridge the gap between Indonesia and the world. It truly was an honor to spend time with you, your family, and hear your stories. My meetings with you were always so heartfelt and warm. Slide to see some of our meetings throughout the years.

“Walaupun raganya telah pergi, namun karya dan setiap kenangan pada dirinya tetaplah hidup dalam sanubari.”

Selamat jalan Harry Sabar. Terima kasih atas karyamu yang mewarnai kancah musik Indonesia.

Semoga jiwamu beristirahat dengan tenang.

Kepada Mbak Myllenne dan segenap keluarga semoga diberikan kekuatan kesabaran dan keikhlasan. 



Dekmantel Selectors 2023 recording